স্মার্ট জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র বিতরণের সময়সূচী প্রকাশ।

স্মার্ট জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র বিতরণের সময়সূচী প্রকাশ।

National ID Smart Card from Bangladesh. Are you looking for National ID Smart Card Distribution Date in Bangladesh? Smart NID Card is now available in Bangladesh. Now You can Collect Your Smart National ID card According to the published schedule 2018. In this post, I will tell you How to collect Smart National ID card Bangladesh.

NID Smart Card Distribution Schedule of Bangladesh has been published for many districts. So far the smart card ID has given in many districts. Rest of the districts of Bangladesh will distribute their national Smart card for the real registered people of Bangladesh. Many districts are going to provide their NID Smart card in this December month. The district's list has been given below.

National ID Smart Card from Bangladesh

How to get Smart National ID Card by SMS

SC (Space) NID (Space) Your 17 Digit NID Number and Send It 105 Number

Example: SC NID 19785432345654345 and send 105Note: If Your Card Contain 13 Digit, Then just add Your Birth Year Before of NID Number. Like Your ID Number 1234567891011 (13 Digit) Now You Just Your Birth Year Like 19871234567891011.

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